A few years ago, Polyus transitioned into what we deem to be the next stage of its development. Two particularly vital areas for this were digitalization and increasing the capacity of existing enterprises. Initial resistance to change is inevitable, however the situation was complicated further by the fact that Polyus operates across several regions of Russia and most of our employees are localized within their particular region. It therefore became difficult for them to understand the need for this change, hindering our internal processes.
It was important for us to involve employees from all levels of the business, therefore giving them a sense of ownership in the process. Since Polyus has never been an authoritative company, we engaged in an open dialogue with our employees which allowed us to understand how much the changes that we considered would impact their day-to-day responsibilities.
Each business unit had its own processes, including recruitment processes and guidelines. It was only when we explained the advantages of a uniform approach and listened to their concerns that they understood and accepted this decision. This is a process that Polyus uses when implementing all of its projects, including those employees affected by the decision in the process.