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RAEX confirms Polyus’ AA ESG rating

16 January 2025
RAEX confirms Polyus’ AA ESG rating

RAEX rating agency has confirmed Polyus’ AA ESG rating (84.8 points). This is the top rating range, demonstrating the high quality of ESG risk exposure management. The company’s score for all three factors — environmental, social and governance — is in the top rating range (AA and above).

According to RAEX, Polyus performs strongly in managing environmental risks, in particular in terms of biodiversity impact and greenhouse gas emissions. The company is also leading the industry in the implementation and utilization of renewable energy. The agency’s report notes that in its social projects, Polyus effectively manages risks related to engaging with local communities and respecting human rights. The company received an AA score for the E and S components.

The highest score — AAA — was assigned to the corporate governance factor due to the company’s high transparency and accountability. The agency notes that Polyus effectively manages business ethics risks, including through anti-corruption initiatives and anonymous feedback systems, and regularly discloses sustainability information in accordance with international standards.

The summary is available at this link.
